Faculty Page
This European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) e-learning tutorial has been developed by an international group of basis scientists and clinical investigators with expertise in cholesterol metabolism, plant sterol and plant stanol biology, and cardiovascular disease.
Professor Alberico L. Catapano
Professor of Pharmacology, University of Milan, Italy
Alberico L. Catapano is Full Professor of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Milano in the Department of Pharmacological Sciences. He is also Director of the Center for the Study of Atherosclerosis in Milan, Italy. Prof. Catapano is an active investigator in the biochemical and genetic causes of atherosclerosis, cellular metabolism of lipoproteins, biochemical and molecular defects in atherogenesis, lipid lowering drugs, and clinical trials with antiatherosclerotic drugs.
A long standing member of the EAS, Prof Catapano has served as a member of the EAS Executive Committee since 2008. He has represented EAS as Co-Chair of the Task Force for the preparation of the ESC-EAS Joint Guidelines on Management of Dyslipidemia which were published in June 2011. He has organized the EAS Advanced Course in Clinical Lipidology, which was held in Milan, April 2011, and will be the Chair of the 80th EAS Congress, EAS 2012 in Milan. In addition to his involvement in the EAS, Prof. Catapano is a distinguished Fellow of the International Society of Atherosclerosis and a Professional Member of the AHA.
Professor John Chapman
University of Pierre and Marie Curie, France
John Chapman is Research Professor at the University of Pierre and Marie Curie, and Director Emeritus of the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) at the Pitié-Salpétriére University Hospital in Paris, France.
As President of the European Atherosclerosis Society from 2009 to 2013, he actively supported the development of Joint Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidemia with the European Society of Cardiology. Together with Prof H. Ginsberg, he spearheads the EAS Consensus Panels and Consensus Papers; this initiative has focussed to date on Lipoprotein Lp(a) and on atherogenic high triglyceride / low HDL dyslipidemia as major cardiovascular risk factors, on the underdiagnosis and undertreatment of Familial Hypercholesterolemia, on plant sterols and stanols in the management of dyslipidemia and prevention of cardiovascular disease, and on intolerance to statin therapy.
As of 2009, he received a Distinguished Career Award from the International Atherosclerosis Society for his contributions to the field of HDL biology. In 2011, Prof Chapman chaired the Gordon Research Conference on Atherosclerosis in Newport, RI, USA. INSERM has awarded him Prizes for Scientific Excellence. Prof Chapman is Laureate of the European Lipid Science Award for 2014.
Research interests are focussed on:
Intravascular metabolism and pharmacological modulation of atherogenic apoB-containing lipoproteins, relationship of the lipidome and proteome to the functionality of HDL particles in health and cardiometabolic disease and the development of new anti-atherosclerotic therapeutics targeted to HDL
Professor Guy de Backer
Emeritus-Professor of Medicine, Ghent University, Belgium
Guy De Backer is Emeritus-Professor of Medicine, Ghent University, Belgium. He has participated as Principal Investigator in numerous epidemiological studies at the national and international level including INTERSALT and MONICA. At the ESC level he has been instrumental in the launch of the European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, as well as a member of the writing group of the ESC/EAS guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemia.
He participated as Principal Investigator in numerous epidemiological studies at the national and international level including INTERSALT and MONICA. He has been a member of all five Joint European Societies’ Task Forces that developed the guidelines on cardiovascular prevention in clinical practice, chairing the Third joint task Force; he was the co-chair of the ESH/ESC Task force developing the 2007 guidelines on the management of hypertension and he is member of the EAS/ESC Task Force that developed the guidelines on the management of dyslipidemias.
Professor Gabriele Riccardi
Professor of Metabolic Diseases at the Federico II University, Naples, Italy
Gabriele Riccardi is full professor of Metabolic Diseases and Chairman of the Master Course on Human Nutrition at the Federico II University in Naples. He is also Director of the Unit for Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases at the University Hospital. Prof Riccardi has been involved in several research projects on the influence of diet on glucose and lipoprotein metabolism. In particular, he has performed intervention trials in healthy people, and in diabetic or hyperlipidaemic patients to evaluate the impact of different carbohydrate foods and dietary fats on lipoprotein metabolism both at fasting and in the postprandial period. Moreover, he has performed research on the impact of dietary constituents on mechanisms involved in energy metabolism and blood glucose regulation.
In 2016 he has been awarded the “Celso Prize” from the Italian Diabetes Society for his outstanding scientific career in the field of diabetes research.
Professor Helena Gylling
University of Helsinki, Finland
Helena Gylling is Professor Emerita of Clinical Nutrition and Senior Lecturer in Internal Medicine at the University of Helsinki. Prof Gylling’s research interests include cholesterol and plant sterol metabolism in health and disease. Prof Gylling has been involved with cholesterol metabolism, and its regulation, with a focus on clinical studies dealing with whole-body cholesterol synthesis and absorption and lipoprotein kinetics and their regulation by genes and nutrition since the 1990s when dietary plant sterol and plant stanol esters were included in the metabolic studies to assess their role in cholesterol homeostasis.
Prof Gylling has been an EAS member since 1994.
Professor Winfried März
Professor at the Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics at the Medical University of Graz, Österreich
Winfried März is a professor at the Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics at the Medical University of Graz, Österreich and associated scientists and the Mannheim Institute of Public Health. He is also director of the Academy for Synlab doctor ‘training based in Mannheim synlab Services GmbH, Augsburg.
Professor Winfried’s research focuses on the epidemiology and genetics of heart and kidney disease, and the pharmacological treatment of Fettstoffwechselstorungen. Professor März is Head of the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC). He is author and co-author of more than 400 original papers in international peer review journals and a member of the Editorial Board of the European Heart Journal. His research projects have been and are of the european community, the Federation Ministry for the Education and Research (BMBF), the German Research Foundation (DFG), foundations, and science initiative Upper Rhine Support.
Professor Luis Masana
University Hospital Sant Joan, Spain
Luis Masana was Professor of Medicine and Head of the Internal Medicine Department and Lipid and Cardiovascular Risk Unit at the University Hospital Sant Joan from 1992 to 2006. Prof Masana has also been Director of the Lipid Clinic since 1985 and the Vascular Medicine and Metabolism Unit in the same centre since 2006. Prof Masana has been an EAS member since 1991 and has participated in almost all of the EAS Meetings since joining the society. He is the author of more than 200 research publications in international journals.
The focus of his work and main fields of interest are:
Lipid metabolism diseases, arteriosclerosis pathogenesis, vascular medicine and metabolism, lipoprotein oxidation, molecular biology of hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome and endothelial function, subclinical arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerosis and HIV infection.